Please read the below terms and conditions
before proceeding.
before proceeding.
Dear Parent/Carer, We are updating DARE Saturday & Holiday Playscheme’s terms & condition and also to bring it to your attention. Our Terms and Conditions Payment - You will be invoiced on the first Saturday of the month or immediately after that. - All Payment must be paid by the due date on the invoice, which is usually 5 working days. - Please ensure to use the invoice number for reference when paying in. - You may forfeit your place by not paying the outstanding invoice by the due date. - Invoice not paid 3 days after due date will result in your child losing their place. - Fees are payable by Cash, BACS or cheque to CC Recruitment & Training services. Details of where to send payment will be on your invoices. Bookings - All sessions must be booked well in advance. - Session must be booked no later than 12pm the day before the session. - Any session booked after 12pm of the day before the session will not be accepted. - In the event that you need to book a session after the deadline, it must be agreed by us before booking. Normal pick-up Procedure - Children should be collected at the end of their allotted time. - Children will only be allowed to leave with the parent/carer or with an individual who the Club has been notified will be collecting the child/ren by the parent/s. This notification must be made by the parent/s either in person or by phoning the Club prior to collection. That person must know the “password” stated by the parent beforehand. - A signature will be required when children are collected and the time of collection specified. This is a mandatory requirement. Late pick-up Procedure In the event of a child not being collected by 4.05 pm the following steps will occur: - The Club will contact the parent/carer. If there is no reply, the Club will call the emergency contact numbers provided on the registration form. - The Club will not allow the child to leave with anyone else unless the parent or carer requests it (i.e. over the phone or if they have already agreed it). - A Late pick-up fee of £10 will apply every 5 minutes. - If the child hasn’t been picked up by 4.15 pm, this will be counted as late. - If you are late in picking up your child twice, your child will lose their place. CANCELATION AND NON ATTENDANCE Cancellation by Us We reserve the right to cancel our service in the following circumstances: - The School is closed due to unforeseen circumstances, such as poor weather conditions. In cases where the school contacts parents direct or notice is published on the schools or counties websites informing of closure, we will deem this as notice that the Saturday Playgroup club will not be open. - Staff shortages. In the very rare case that a safe level of supervision cannot be provided we will notify you at the earliest opportunity. - Should the Saturday Playgroup Service be terminated by either the school or ourselves, we will endeavour to give 2 weeks’ notice to parents of service termination. Cancellation by Parents/Carers Parents will NOT be charged for Cancellation with less than 48 hours’ notice in the following special circumstances and payment will carry forward; - Absence due to sickness. This will only apply if the child is absent from school due to Severe illness or hospitalisation and parents /carers notify the Saturday Playgroup at the earliest opportunity by calling 07721857224. Please do not assume that the school has informed the Saturday Playgroup of any absences. If we are not contacted prior to the beginning of the planned session this will be counted as non-attendance. - School closure due to either weather conditions or other unforeseen circumstance stopping the school from opening - Family bereavement. NON-ATTENDANCE If a child is booked into a session and does not attend. Unless the child is absent and the condition meets the above criteria full payment will be required for the missed session.
Completed 4%

When would you like to book a session?
Choose one that fits you the best.
Completed 14%

Select your location?
Completed 21%

Select your location?
Completed 29%

Does your child require 1 to 1 support?
Choose one that fits you the best.
Completed 36%

What time and date?
First select a preferred Saturday and then select a session at Kingsbury.
March 2017
Mon TueWed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Choose a date
Change chosen date
Completed 43%

What time and date?
First select a preferred Holiday and then select a session at Kingsbury.
March 2017
Mon TueWed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Choose a date
Change chosen date
Completed 50%

What time and date?
First select a preferred Saturday and then select a session at Harrow.
March 2017
Mon TueWed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Choose a date
Change chosen date
Completed 57%

What time and date?
First select a preferred Holiday and then select a session at Harrow.
March 2017
Mon TueWed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Choose a date
Change chosen date
Completed 64%

What time and date?
First select a preferred Saturday and then select a session at Northolt.
March 2017
Mon TueWed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Choose a date
Change chosen date
Completed 71%

What time and date?
First select a preferred Holiday and then select a session at Northolt.
March 2017
Mon TueWed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Choose a date
Change chosen date
Completed 79%

Parental details
Your informational will be kept confidential
Required *
Required *
Required *
Required *
Required *
Completed 86%

Child's details
Your informational will be kept confidential
Required *
Required *
Required *
Required *
Completed 93%

Additional information
Your Message (please include brief description/information about all special needs and requirements, so that our staff can best assess the application)
Completed 100%

Thank you
Thank you for submitting.